Kakadu National Park

Located 240 kilometres east of Darwin in Australia’s tropical north Kakadu National Park is the largest national park in Australia. The park covers almost 20,000 square kilometers it is approximately the size of Israel. This unique archaeological and ethnological reserve has been inhabited continuously for more than 40,000 years.


Approximately 300 Aboriginal people reside in the park, including traditional owners and Aboriginals with recognized social and traditional attachments to the area. The park contains one of the highest concentrated areas of aboriginal rock art sites in the world; the most famous examples are at Nourlangie Rock and Ubirr, sacred and art sites.

The traditional owners Bininj Mungguy have lived on and cared for this country for more than 50,000 years. Their deep spiritual connection to the land dates back to the Creation and has always been an important part of the Kakadu story.

The secret to discovering Kakadu is taking your time. You’ll find stories, secrets and sights never imagined. It is impossible to appreciate the full breadth and beauty of the park in a fleeting visit – if you can afford the time, spend a week or more.


Jim Jim Falls, Kakadu National Park

Jim Jim Falls, Kakadu National Park via Wikitravel

Because of its diversity of land systems from marine and coastal habitats (which support substantial turtle and dugong populations) through to the arid sandstone escarpment, Kakadu is one of the world’s richest wildlife parks. Is home to 68 mammals (almost one-fifth of Australia’s mammals), more than 120 reptiles, 26 frogs, over 300 tidal and freshwater fish species, more than 2 000 plants and over 10 000 species of insects. It provides habitat for more than 290 bird species (over one-third of Australia’s birds). Its internationally important wetlands are a major staging point for migratory birds. Some of these species are threatened or endangered. Many are found nowhere else in the world and there are still others yet to be discovered.

The Creation Ancestors gave Bininj/Mungguy a kinship system linking people to all things and the cultural responsibility to look after them all. They have always understood the biodiversity of country and their traditional ancestral knowledge is a vital part of managing Kakadu’s rich environment.

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Uluru (Ayer’s Rock), Northern Territory, Australia

Uluru is a large sandstone rock formation in Uluṟu-Kata Tjuṯa National Park in the southern part of the Northern Territory in central Australia.

view of Uluru (Ayers rock) from a helicopter

via wikipedia

Uluru is one of Australia’s most recognisable natural landmarks. The sandstone formation stands 348 meters high and has a total circumference of 9.4 km. Uluru has great cultural significance for the Aṉangu people, the traditional inhabitants of the area, who lead walking tours to inform visitors about the local flora and fauna and bush foods.

Uluru is an inselberg, literally “island mountain”. An inselberg is a prominent isolated residual knob or hill that rises abruptly from and is surrounded by extensive and relatively flat erosion lowlands in a hot, dry region.

The park is listed as a World Heritage Site.

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Norfolk Island National Park and Botanic Garden

Australia is a place for all types of travelers, from the adventure enthusiasts to the family vacationers and especially, for the nature lovers. For this blessed continent is a place where nature is struggling every day to win supremacy over humans and one cannot say that it is losing the battle. Australia is a little world in itself and in this world, Norfolk Island and National Park is a spot which deserves to be known better.

Photo of Cook's Monument, Norfolk Island

Cook's Monument, Norfolk Island National Park

An island where Nature and Man reached an armistice
Sadly, the small Norfolk Island suffered great damage since the moment when people decided that they wanted to live here: agriculture and house building destroyed much of the indigenous life forms. A national park and a botanic garden were established in order to protect what was left: 180 species of plants, of which 40 cannot be found anywhere else in the world, grow in this shelter.
Norfolk Island is a unique place on Earth and, as many other beautiful places in Australia, it cannot be entirely known in a day long exploration. When going to Norfolk Island, one needs to take its time and discover all its secrets.

Norfolk Island is located in the south-west Pacific Ocean, approximately 1,700 kilometres east of Sydney and 1,100 kilometres north-west of Auckland. Norfolk Island is serviced by regular flights from Australia (Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and Newcastle) and New Zealand (Auckland).

What Norfolk Island has to offer?
What makes Norfolk Island so special is the fact that its flora and fauna developed here in isolation from the main land and thus there are many endemic species to this island which add diversity and charm to the breathtaking landscapes.

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